Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I'm pretty sure my scale might be broken... because I measured my waist, and it's a half inch smaller than it was when I weighed 142 a few weeks ago. Or maybe weight training is paying off??

I sat down this weekend and came up with an ass-kicking weight program. Muscles burn more calories, and I'm tired of flabby arms and abs. BUT, the all-important impending deadline is two weeks away: spring break. I just ordered a bikini, and my goal is to have dropped to at least 140 by the time it comes in. I can definitely do it. I've been very good and healthy up til now, so it shouldn't mess me up too badly.

Before my morning workout, I'll have a piece of toast or a banana. After, I will have a special K protein bar. After that, I can have whatever raw fruits and veggies I want (bananas are limited to 1). And lots of water. LOTS of water. I never realized until today just how much fluid I can put down if I set my mind to it-- in hopes of curing a UTI, I drank an entire bottle of sugar-free cranberry juice in under 2 hours. That is a lot of juice. I think I cured myself :p Oh, and it was worth the 400cal for the whole thing... UTI's are unbearable and I hate them with all of the passion in my body.

Kay. I worked out twice today, am sleepy bunny. I'll check in later in the week.


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