Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Rules:
  1. You do not feel hungry. You feel thin.
  2. No white bread. Disgusting. It goes right to your lumpy ass!
  3. Work out, don't be a fat fuck.
  4. Before agreeing to go to the dining hall, draw a self-portrait doodle of a whale in a bikini. Not hungry anymore? That's what I thought.
  5. Study Italian at the gym. Keep up with your grades.
A girl over on Prettythin lost around 22 lb in a month simply by restricting to under 500 every day. If I have that kind of self-control, I can do it! And she didn't exercise either... which means, I might be able to quicken the results. IF I stay strong. IF I don't fuck up.

A random side note about a boy situation... someone who I've been on again, off again hooking up with has recent;y only been interested in me when I'm clearly with someone else. He texted me all day and yesterday, probably after seeing pictures of me with my formal date. I HATE that I am still attracted to this doucher... I'm friends with him, but I definitely had feelings for him at one point, and it's so annoying that just as I get over him, he decides I need a little more morgan in my life and jumps right back into it. uggghhhhh. Maybe an explanatory post later. 

Falling asleep on computer. Time to go to bed niiiiggggghhhhhtttttt.

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