Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Constipated : (

I ate a good bit of cheese and bread on the trip (read: SANDWICHES), which I don't really eat that much of normally... hence, I feel stopped up and heavy. Ugh. I was so regular for a while too! Back to random pooing I guess.

K done with the TMI. I went right back out today and ran 5.5 miles, and it was suprisingly easy. I'll account most of it to the cool weather, because I certainly didn't do much while I was on vacation. I was active though! I learned how to waterski, which was SUPER fun, and did a lot of kayaking-- once at a relatively easy pace with my friend and her mom, and once at high intensity around the circumference of the lake while everyone else went golfing. It's actually a pretty decent ab workout if you have proper form :)

The boyfriend and I decided to see other people when we both leave for school. I was so nervous to say it to him, and he ended up agreeing completely with me and it absolutely could not have gone any better. I'll probably be a little sad once we leave, but I think it's a good decision.

Hopefully my run today got a bit of my water retention down-- working on hydrating with my third liter of water as I'm typing this. For dinner I had a spinach and egg white omlette with a massive side of mixed veggies, soooo delicious. I was vegetable-deprived all weekend.

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