Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I kept meaning to post this week, and every time I was about to sit down and write somebody came poking their nosy nose over my shoulder. GRR. Anyway, it's been a fairly good week, up and down a little bit, but I am feeling happy, well-fed, and weight is still (slowly) coming off.

I'm up to running 6 miles now, although today I took off because I left all my packing until the very last day I was home. Dumbdumbdumb. I've been packing all day, aside from an hour-long break to go to the salon and get attacked in the nether regions with wax and cloth strips (waxing, in case anyone didn't get that. I don't know how much sense I'm making right now, sort of loopy/tired).

Shoot. I can't remember if I posted this, but last Thursday I said goodbye to my now ex-boyfriend. I only cried a little bit in the car after, although I was pretty sad. He said I cried too much once, so I've been trying to keep it together around him.

***ahahaha defffffinitely just fell asleep for a second. It is not even 11PM yet, seriously???! Welp I'm to the cabin for two days before I move into school, no post til Sunday :) byebyebye!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Umm, hmm. I ended up breaking fast yesterday, not too bummed about it... I decided to have several cups of straight green tea, which always makes my empty stomach feel nauseous, so I cooked up some tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, and mushrooms. DELICIOUS. I do not regret that decision at all. I also had a small piece of wheat toast, and a bite of meatloaf. The fact that I only had a bite is monumental: my mom's meatloaf is my absolute favorite thing ever.

Today I was scheduled to have an easier running day, so I only went 3.5 miles, awkwardly bouncing past an entire construction crew on the uphill part. I did my ab workout also. For breakfast I had some steel-cut oatmeal with flax seeds and flax meal (apparently you can only digest ground flax seeds, but I like the texture of the whole seeds so I put both in), probably 150-200 calories. After my run I had some OJ with airborne because my throat is getting sore, around 60 calories, and I just finished up a delicious salad around 25 or 30 calories. Gotta love that 10-calorie dressing. WOO.

Hrm. What else? Today is the day my boyfriend leaves, so this is really our last goodbye before we go our separate ways. It's weird, I don't know how to feel. Normally I'd be an emotional wreck, and I'm not sure why I'm so calm about it this time.

Oh, also I'm addicted to twitter, and have been sorely neglecting facebook. Sorrrrry FB. #tweettweet #soaddicting #forrealz

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hmm, scale is a little better today... I'm still mad I'm in the 150's, but I have lost ten pounds over the summer, and it's been a healthy weight loss so I'm positive I can keep it off. But I want to be closer to 140 when I get back, so I made a decision. I will fast twice a week until I move in at school. Cleansing.

Today I'm back on track with my running schedule, I still ran over what I'm supposed to (to make up for not working out at the lake). Total: 5.7 miles. And today is my fast day, so I've had two cups of coffee, about 2L of water, and a 150cal protein shake after my run. Normally I consider protein shakes to break the fast, but I don't want to lose any of the small muscle mass I've built up with weight training.

Also: I'm starting to get abs again!!! There's still a gross layer of fat that needs to gtfo pronto, but there's absolutely some definition there :] The workout I got is from Women's Health, linkie here in case anyone still reads my blog and wants to give it a try. I'm two weeks into the workout, although I do try and do sit-ups every morning as well (I've been slacking recently, so I think the abs peeking through are mostly due to the Women's Health thing).

All in all, seems like a fairly good day! No food yet, filling up my 3rd liter of water from the tap as soon as I post this, and I'll probably have two or three cups of detox tea just to even things out (and perhaps help with the no-poo situation... GRRR).

Guess that's it for now!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Constipated : (

I ate a good bit of cheese and bread on the trip (read: SANDWICHES), which I don't really eat that much of normally... hence, I feel stopped up and heavy. Ugh. I was so regular for a while too! Back to random pooing I guess.

K done with the TMI. I went right back out today and ran 5.5 miles, and it was suprisingly easy. I'll account most of it to the cool weather, because I certainly didn't do much while I was on vacation. I was active though! I learned how to waterski, which was SUPER fun, and did a lot of kayaking-- once at a relatively easy pace with my friend and her mom, and once at high intensity around the circumference of the lake while everyone else went golfing. It's actually a pretty decent ab workout if you have proper form :)

The boyfriend and I decided to see other people when we both leave for school. I was so nervous to say it to him, and he ended up agreeing completely with me and it absolutely could not have gone any better. I'll probably be a little sad once we leave, but I think it's a good decision.

Hopefully my run today got a bit of my water retention down-- working on hydrating with my third liter of water as I'm typing this. For dinner I had a spinach and egg white omlette with a massive side of mixed veggies, soooo delicious. I was vegetable-deprived all weekend.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Wahooo!! Back into the 140's :} perhaps only by .2 of a pound, but I'll take what I can get. I'm about to leave for my friend's lake house in NY; we'll hopefully run both days, but it still messes with my training schedule. Butttt I've been running more than I planned in my schedule, so hopefully it will even out.

I don't feel like writing too much today. I've decided to break up with my boyfriend for now, and I'm terrified, I don't want to do it but I really have to. More later, I don't feel like writing.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


A lot has happened since my last post! I am doing so much better mentally now-- no more restrictive starve/binge cycles for me. I have become obsessed with health. Healthy food, healthy mindset, healthy (skinny) body. I signed up to run a half-marathon in ten weeks, which will definitely kick my butt into skinny shape in no time.

I've continued to make myself eat a healthy breakfast under 200 calories, which is improving my mood swings and making me a much happier person. I eat a light lunch and try to stay under 200 calories there too, and then I let myself have one or two low-calorie snacks (fat-free greek yogurt, a piece of fruit, a hardboiled egg... you get the idea). And then a light version of whatever we're having for dinner. My only issue is that I still get a little binge-y at night-- old habits die hard.

So here's my plan. From now until the marathon, I will not binge at night. A small snack is fine if I'm working and hungry, but it must be carefully planned out like my daytime snacks. NO MINDLESS MUNCHING.

If I stick to that, I will be skinnyminny by the time October rolls around. I'm not worried about falling off my running schedule, because I have an incredible fear of being the last one to come wheezing and dying across the finish line.

Oh. I guess I should mention the beach a few weeks ago.I got inappropriately drunk, fell out of a lifeguard chair, probably flashed everyone my panties... whoops. Embarrassing. But I managed to maintain my weight, which means I did not pig out as disgustingly as I could have.

BMI/Pounds Lost Tracker