Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Well today just started off fucking miserable.

I always wake up and check my emails, and this morning there was one from the housing director of our sorority house. Apparently, she went into my (LOCKED) room, and saw the champagne bottle and beer can left over from when I turned 21 last week. Alcohol isn't allowed in the house, but everyone drinks anyway we just keep it in our rooms. And you know, I assumed that if I locked the door to my personal living space, I would be okay.

WRONG. Nationals is fining me $400 because our housing director reported it. Four-hundred fucking dollars that I do not have. For having alcohol. Even though I'm 21. So I obviously had to tell my parents, and I'm considering just telling Nationals to piss off, but then they might kick me out of the house and I don't want them to come down hard on anyone else either. This whole mess is just ridiculous and stupid. And that is a RIDICULOUS amount to pay for an alcohol fine, when the person being fined is of age. My boyfriend is helping me write an email asking them to reduce it. But I still sort of want to tell them to fuck off, I'll find my own apartment and move the fuck out. And at least then I'd get better meals, since our chef fucking sucks and is gross.

Ughhhh. Sorry, I just needed to rant. At least the stress is keeping me from eating. And I love my hipbones today.

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