Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Starting the Dukan Diet today. It's the first diet I've tried with strict long-term plans... i.e., not just a two week cleanse or what have you. And I'm not much of a dieter anyway, more of a restrict-binge-cry-restrict kind of girl. Supposedly this is what Catherine Middleton did to lose wedding weight, not that she's why I'm doing it haha. I was going to do the same thing except with vegetables, but that normally makes me irritable... perhaps protein will do the trick.

Basically for the first two weeks, you can only eat lean protein. So I bought tunafish and a shit-ton of eggs. Plus two protein bars, but I already ate them. Wow actually was such a fat-ass move... no wonder I'm huge. Although, the calorie count is the same as pop-tarts, which I have also eaten before, so I guess at least it has better nutritional value.

Anyways... first two weeks, lean protein. Then you alternate all-protein days with protein and veggie days, non-starchy ones obviously. And then you just... stay on that, until you reach target weight!

Woop. Today went as good as it was going to go, since I'm running on two hours of sleep. Protein bars, an egg, and tuna came to 630 calories... damn. At least it's less than what I've been eating, ugh. I can't even step on the scale right now, I'd probably have heart failure. Maybe in a few days.

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