Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hmm. Weighed myself today... I mean, I'm definitely not pleased, but it's not as bad as it could have been, considering all the grossness I inhaled last weekend. Today I babysat all morning, so I had a 100-cal english muffin to get some energy (which didn't much, they are NUTS. But so freaking cute :P)

Mom made calories breakfast for dinner, pancakes with a side of scrapple. Um. NO. I got off easy not eating scrapple, I made like I was going to try it while she was cooking, then was like, oh wait I read the ingredients list no freaking way (two choice ingredients, hearts and skins... I'm not a vegetarian, but EUGH). So me 1, dinner 0. However, my rejection of the pancakes did not go unnoticed.

me: *cut up pieces, push them to the side, eat a tiny bite, cut up more and mash*
mom: is that all you're going to eat?
me: *oh shit* nope I'm eating! *inhale coffee, take bite and smile*

**some table conversation**

me: *poke around at mashed pancake some more*
sister: is that ALL you're eating? *eyeroll*
me: uhhm
mom: do you feel okay?
me: uhh. no I feel weird I'm not that hungry... heat some up later!
mom: mkay
sister: ooookay... *another eye roll.*

So. My mom just left for grocery shopping, so I'm off to smear some syrup all over my plate and feed my doggie the rest! oopsie, forgot to clean up from "dinner". Laterrrr

Edit: (30 min later) my doggie is going to get fat haha. Made a bowl of delicious steamed carrots instead... I am obsessed with spicy steamed carrots and broccoli oh my god I could eat an entire bag!

Now watching the curiously addictive foodporn! show, Man vs. Food... my college town is on the new episode at 9 wooo! I wonder which restaurant he goes to. And now, he is chowing down on a cheeseburger smothered with bacon, chili, grilled hot dog (wtf?) and fried onion. Oh, and the patty is as big as his head. It comes with a serving platter full of cheese fries, in case whoever orders this monstrosity is still hungry.


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